Tipologi Pemikiran Gus Dur Tentang Pendidikan Islam
Typology of Gus Dur Thought, Islamic educationAbstract
Gus Dur is a very influential figure whose presence has a very large impact on directing Indonesian society, especially in the world of education. He believes that the aim of Islamic education is to humanize humans. In the sense of upholding mutual respect, respect, help, mutual advice about rights and obligations as well as patience, solidarity, tolerance, and togetherness. On the other hand, the development of thoughts about Islamic education continues to develop to answer the problem of education in this modern era. In this connection, there are two typologies of Gus Dur thoughts in viewing the world of Islamic education in this modernity era. First, traditionally that has been applied in the world of pesantren. Gus Dur called the pesantren world as a sub-culture. Where a sub-culture must have its own uniqueness, including a view of life, religious values that are followed, and its own internal hierarchy of power which is fully obeyed. Secondly, Neo Modernist, this model truly understands the teachings or values contained in the Koran and Hadits by including and considering the intellectual property of classical Muslims and also taking into account the conditions of modern society. So this model has the jargon al-Muhafadzah ‘ala al-Qodim al-Shalih wa al-Akhzu bi al-Jadid al-Aslah, which means maintaining existing goodness and developing new values that are good. So that this model has a regressive and conservative nature which is proven by still using the previous ulama thinking and is progressive and dynamic which is proven by considering the social conditions of modern society
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