Attanwir : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan
Attanwir: Jurnal Keislaman dan PendidikanSTAI Attanwir Bojonegoroen-USAttanwir : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan2252-5238Integrating Technology and Student Learning Independence in Islamic Religious Education
<p><em>One of the transformations in the field of education includes the rapid development of digital technology. Traditional teaching methods centered on lecturers are considered less effective in meeting the needs of modern students. Technology offers various tools and platforms that can enrich the learning process and support student learning independence. However, the implementation of technology in Islamic religious education still faces various challenges. This research aims to explore new approaches in Islamic religious education through the integration of technology and support for student learning independence. The research methodology used is library research, where data is collected from various written sources such as books, scientific journals, conference papers, theses, and credible online sources. The results of the study show that the integration of technology in Islamic religious education can increase accessibility by providing various learning resources, offering interactive learning, and providing instant feedback. Some identified new approaches include the use of mobile applications, e-learning platforms, social media, and educational games. To improve the quality of Islamic religious education through technology, it is recommended that educational institutions provide training for lecturers, develop a digital curriculum, enhance technological infrastructure, encourage student collaboration, and conduct regular evaluations. Thus, it can be concluded that the integration of technology in Islamic religious education has great potential to support student learning independence. By implementing the identified new approaches, Islamic religious education can become more relevant and effective in the digital era.</em></p>Ida Faridatul HasanahNabillaUswatun HasanahSri Suci SuryawatiSugeng Riyadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Faridatul Hasanah, Nabilla, Uswatun Hasanah, Sri Suci Suryawati; Sugeng Riyadi
2024-09-282024-09-28152127138Leadership of Women Scholars in The Tradition of Pesantren in Madura
<p><em>In the tradition of pesantren in Madura, usually the leaders and caregivers of islamic boarding schools are often dominated by patriarchy (kyai leadership), this is undeniable because patriarchy has become a tradition of islamic boarding schools. It can be proven, that when there is a change of leadership and caregivers of the pesantren, it must be dominated by a man. However, from the presence of many islamic boarding schools in Madura, there is an al-huda islamic boarding school in pamekasan where the leader is a woman (matriarchy). As for this research, it uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research. Meanwhile, data collection techniques use observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. So the result of this research is the transformation of patriarchy to matriarchy in the al-huda islamic boarding school through family deliberations, having a clear vision and mission motivation, having broad scientific insight and being able to face problems well</em></p>Andri Sutrisno
Copyright (c) 2024 Andri Sutrisno
2024-09-282024-09-28152139151Optimizing Learning Design for Islamic Religious Education in Islamic Boarding Schools
<p>This research aims to explore the optimization of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning designs in Islamic boarding schools in order to improve the intelligence and academic quality of students. The research method used is a literature review system, by examining various relevant literature regarding the application of modern learning methods and technology in the context of Islamic boarding schools. The findings from this research show that the integration of technology-based learning methods, such as Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning, as well as the use of digital media, has succeeded in increasing student engagement and understanding. Islamic boarding schools that adopted this learning design recorded significant improvements in the academic quality and learning motivation of students. The conclusion of this research confirms that optimizing learning design in Islamic boarding schools that combines traditional and modern methods can produce students who are smarter and more knowledgeable. Adequate infrastructure support and teacher training are needed to overcome implementation challenges, so that Islamic boarding schools can continue to produce superior generations who have morals and are ready to face global challenges.</p>HosainiMujamil Qomar Abad Badruzaman
Copyright (c) 2024 Hosaini, Mujamil Qomar , Abad Badruzzaman
2024-09-282024-09-28152152165Implementation of the Development of Islamic Religious Education through Religious Habituation Activities to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students at MTsN Gresik
<p><em>One of the benchmarks used to determine the quality of graduates in the Independent Curriculum is the Pancasila Student Profile. The significance of this research lies in the relevance of religious habituation activities, which are used as a medium for PAI development to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile, as well as to determine its impact in forming lifelong student characters who are competent, have character and behave by Pancasila values. This research analyses the efforts and effects of developing PAI through religious habituation activities to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile. This research adopts a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was done through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Verification of data validity is guaranteed through credibility, dependability and confirmability tests. Efforts to develop PAI through religious habituation activities start from the stage: planning, including analyzing ideas, preparing programs and building joint commitment; implementation, including socialization and program implementation; evaluation, including observations, monitoring instruments and coordination with parents; and follow-up is carried out through evaluation meetings and follow-up programs. The strategies used include structural, formal, mechanical, and organic. There are vertical and horizontal forms of activity. Meanwhile, the development impacts are students able to interpret and apply religious morals, personal morals, morals among others, and morals in nature; students become more familiar with and appreciate various cultures, improving communication and interaction between students from different cultural backgrounds; students are more able to collaborate, show concern, and have a sense of wanting to share; students can increase self-understanding of the situations they face and develop self-regulation; make students more active in searching for and processing information and ideas; and students can produce original ideas, works and actions.</em></p>KHOIRUL AMINabdul muidKhoirul Faizin
Copyright (c) 2024 KHOIRUL AMIN, abdul muid, Khoirul Faizin
2024-09-282024-09-28152166184Islamic Leadership in Developing the Character of Religious Moderation: Bibliometric Analysis
<p><em>Administration in Islam plays a key part in forming devout control in different social orders. Devout control, which incorporates states of mind of resistance, regard for contrasts, and dismissal of radicalism, is vital for keeping up social agreement. In spite of the fact that this concept has long been recognized, investigate analyzing how Islamic authority contributes to cultivating devout balance through a bibliometric approach remains constrained. This ponder points to analyze the writing on Islamic administration and devout balance utilizing bibliometric strategies. The strategy utilized is bibliometric investigation bolstered by VOSviewer and Distribute or Die program. Investigate information were collected from the Scopus and Google Researcher databases over the past 10 a long time (2014-2024). This examination incorporates catchphrase arrange mapping, quotation examination, and connections among creators included in this subject. The comes about appear a noteworthy increment in distributions related to Islamic administration and devout control, with a add up to of 85 articles distributed within the final 10 a long time. VOSviewer investigation shows that 60% of the related articles look at the part of Islamic administration in instruction, whereas 25% center on its application in politics and society. The foremost habitually showing up watchwords are "Islamic authority" (45 times), "devout balance" (35 times), and "resilience" (28 times). In terms of collaboration, Indonesia rules this inquire about with 40% of the article commitments, taken after by Malaysia (20%) and Turkey (15%). The think about moreover finds that articles on the subject of devout balance and Islamic authority have seen a 30% increment in citations from 2019 to 2023, showing developing intrigued in this field. In any case, the writing remains constrained in clarifying how the execution of Islamic authority can specifically impact social and instructive approaches at the commonsense level. </em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>Muhammad HarisHidayatul Mufidah
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Haris, Hidayatul Mufidah
2024-09-302024-09-30152185210Good Practice of School Based Child Friendly (SRA) Islamic Education at SMP Negeri 2 Lamongan
<p>This research discusses the Good Practices of PAI Based on Child-Friendly Schools (SRA), at SMP Negeri 2 Lamongan. The aim of the research is to review three points. First, the role of child-friendly school-based PAI in dealing with cases of bullying, violence or bullying at school. Second, the implementation of child-friendly school-based PAI good practices implemented in schools. Third, the impact of implementing child-friendly school policies on changes in student character. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach involving instruments; principal, curriculum representative, PAI teacher, guidance and counseling teacher, and class VII students. This research produces conclusions including the following; (1) The role of PAI has an important role and is very crucial, because it is able to make various contributions to various aspects, especially class VII students as the Alpha generation. (2) Child-friendly school-based PAI good practices have been implemented by integrating indicators of the six components of the child-friendly school guidelines and emphasizing an approach to children's needs and welfare as the main focus. (3) The impact of implementing this policy is that it has a significant impact on various aspects such as life, spiritual, social aspects and overall child-friendly school policies can encourage changes in students' character towards a more positive, responsive and caring attitude towards the surrounding environment.</p>Rosedah Sa'datul MarwahKusaeriLilik Huriyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Rosedah Sa'datul Marwah; Kusaeri, Lilik Huriyah
2024-09-302024-09-30152211231LGBT Sexual Disorientation in East Java Region
<p><em>The aim of this research is to understand the background and sexual behavior of LGBT teenagers in a city located in the East Java region that has sexual disorientation. Sexual disorientation is the physical attraction, emotional arousal, romantic and sexual interest of a person towards others that disregards their sexual identity (biological sex) and sexual behavior. Homosexuality is a condition in which a person exhibits sexual behavior between individuals of the same sex. The teenage years are a transitional period marked by physical and psychological changes from childhood to adulthood. In each developmental period, there are a number of developmental tasks that must be completed. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach using snowball sampling technique. Data collection in this research utilized interview, observation, and documentation techniques conducted with 5 gay teenagers. Data analysis began with observation and documentation, followed by in-depth interviews with key informants. That is someone who truly understands and knows the situation of the research object. After conducting the interview, data analysis begins by creating a transcript of the interview results, by playing back the recording of the interview, listening carefully, and then writing down the words heard according to what is on the recording. The results of this study indicate that the background of LGBT adolescents in a city located in East Java is influenced by personality traits that have developed since childhood, significant others, and reference groups. Meanwhile, the depiction of their behavior is relatively similar to that of teenagers who are dating the opposite sex, such as holding hands, hugging, and so on.</em></p>Siti Mahmudah NoorhayatiAbd. Hafid
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Mahmudah Noorhayati, Abd. Hafid
2024-09-302024-09-30152232242Transformation of The Islamic Education System in Islamic Boarding Schools
<p><em>Education plays a very important role in ensuring the survival of the state and nation. Implementation of education must be able to adapt to the surrounding circumstances. therefore educational transformation is a necessity. Islamic boarding school Ihyaul Ulum Manyar Sekaran Lamongan is one of the educational institutions that has been transformed from time so that it can be in harmony with the times. what is the background, how the process of transformation, the results of the transformation that has been carried out by the Ihyaul Ulum Islamic boarding school are interesting things to study more deeply. This study uses a case study technique and is qualitative in nature. This research is field research (Field Research) using a qualitative analysis approach, namely research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject as a whole by describing it in the form of words and language, in a special natural context. observation, documentation and interview methods were used to collect data in this study. The educational transformation that took place in the Ihyaul Ulum Manyar Lamongan Islamic boarding school was motivated by:first, the quality of students' understanding of religion through classical books is still not optimal and has the potential to be developed.Second, demands from the community for Islamic boarding schools that do not only focus on religious knowledge, but also understand general knowledge, especially the recognition of formal diplomas. Curriculum transformation is carried out through several stages as follows: 1) Ihyaul Ulum Manyar Islamic Boarding School Curriculum Planning 2) Independent Curriculum Organization 3) Independent Curriculum Implementation. Pondok Pesantren Ihyaul Ulum has been transformed into an educational institution using an integral or combined curriculum system, namely the classic book system with a modern learning model. The positive impacts of educational transformation are as follows: 1) The religious basis is stronger 2) What is taught in the pesantren is more relevant to students 3) It is more free to determine the needs of students 4) The characteristics of the Islamic boarding school are more visible 5) Using classic books according to student needs . While the negative impacts are: 1) Less prepared students for curriculum changes 2) Lack of competent teaching staff in implementing the new curriculum 3) difficulties in controlling student administration. 4) limited infrastructure. 5) There is friction between certified teachers and teachers who are not certified. 6) Lack of land that should be used for the expansion of pesantren or formal institutions</em></p>Moh LuthfiMuhammad Farih
Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Luthfi, Muhammad Farih