Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam <p>Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam is a scientific journal published by the Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Dakwah, Institut Attanwir Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Al-Ihath published every six months in January and July. This journal collaborates with ABKIN (Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia), PABKI (Perkumpulan Ahli Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam) and Forum Redaktur Jurnal Kopertais IV.</p> <p>An objective of the Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam is to promote the wide dissemination of the results of systematic scholarly inquiries into the broad field of counseling research. The Al-Ihath is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on guidance, counseling and psychology.</p> <p>The primary criterion for publication in Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam is the significance of the contribution an article makes to the literature in counseling and psychology area the significance of the contribution and on the rigor of analysis and presentation of the paper. The acceptance decision is made based upon an independent review process that provides critically constructive and prompt evaluations of submitted manuscripts.</p> <p>The journal publishes several types of articles, including rigorously conducted empirical investigations that extend conceptual understanding (original investigations or meta-analyses); theory development articles as well as integrative conceptual reviews that synthesize literature and create new theory of guidance, counseling and psychological phenomena that will stimulate novel research; rigorously conducted qualitative research on phenomena that are difficult to capture with quantitative methods, or on phenomena that warrant inductive theory building.</p> <p>The journal accepts work that is conducted in the field or in the laboratory, where the data (quantitative or qualitative) are analyzed with elegant or simple statistics, so long as the data or theoretical synthesis advances understanding of guidance, counseling, psychological phenomena and human behavior that have direct or indirect practical implications.</p> <p>Manuscripts that are submitted to the journal editor before publication will pass an assessment through a double blind review, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer know each other.</p> <p>E-ISSSN: <a href="">2809-2147</a></p> Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam en-US Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2809-2147 <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p> <p>This work is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <p>Authors who publish with Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam agree to the following terms:</p> <p><span lang="EN-GB">1) Authors retain copyright and grant Medical Journal of Indonesia right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License that allows others to remix, adapt, build upon the work non-commercially with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam.</span></p> <p>2) Authors are permitted to copy and redistribute the journal's published version of the work non-commercially (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam.</p> Comparative Study of Mental Health between Male and Female Students and Implications on Career Development <p>Mental health is a crucial aspect that must be possessed by individual. This study aimed to describe the mental health conditions of students at SMKN 1 Surabaya from the perspective of gender differences and their influence on career development. This research used a descriptive quantitative method. The sample of the study were 150 students of grade IX. The data of this study were collected using a mental health measurement scale. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS, focusing on mean differences between male and female students. The results of the analysis showed that for the affection indicator, the t-test yielded t = 0.494 with sig. = 0.622 (sig. &gt; 0.050), indicating no significant difference in affection between males and females. The t-test for emotional ties showed t = 1.078 with sig. = 0.282 (sig. &gt; 0.050). The t-test for satisfaction showed t = -0.571 with sig. = 0.568 (sig. &gt; 0.050). The t-test for depression showed t = -1.565 with sig. = 0.118 (sig. &gt; 0.050). The t-test for anxiety yielded t = -3.537 with sig. = 0.000 (sig. &gt; 0.050), with the average anxiety level in females was higher than in males (8.945 &gt; 8.295). The t-test for loss of control showed t = -3.095 with sig. = 0.002 (sig. &gt; 0.050), with the average loss of control in females was higher than in males (7.272 &gt; 7.966). The impact of mental health influences various factors such as psychological well-being, work-life balance, and others. From the results of analysis, it is evident that the indicators of affection, emotional ties, satisfaction, and depression showed no significant difference between males and females.</p> Mudhar Mudhar Elia Firda Mufidah Maghfirotul Lathifah Cindy Asli Pravesti Lutfi Isni Badiah Aisyah Aisyah Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 5 1 1 9 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.583 The Influence of Gratitude on Work Engagement in Employees at Boarding School Sunan Drajat <p>This study aims to empirically examine the effect of gratitude on work engagement in employees of Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan. This research method uses quantitative research. The research subjects were 177 employees of the boarding school Sunan Drajat Lamongan. Data collection techniques using the work engagement scale which is based on the dimensions of Schaufeli &amp; Bakker. Data collection techniques are the most important step in research, because objective main from study is get data. Work engagement scale contains 19 items with coefficient reliability (α = 0.856), used for to reveal level work engagement related vigor (5 items), dedication (6 items), and absorption (8 items) that are owned respondent research. Gratitude scale adapted from Watkins and Fitzgerald's gratitude scale in Listiyandini, consists of over 30 items with coefficient reliability (α = 0.888) was used for to reveal like what is gratitude from Respondent study. Data analysis techniques in research this is simple linear regression with using a computer program. The computer program used for statistical data analysis with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 25.0. The work engagement scale consists of 19 items. Gratitude is measured using the components proposed by Fitzgerald and Watkins. The gratitude scale consists of 30 items. The data analysis technique uses simple regression analysis. The results showed that the Anova F test was 115.488 with a significant level of 0.001. This means that the value of 0.001 &lt;0.05, it can be said that the hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is an influence of gratitude on work engagement. This study has an R value of 0.253 and an R Square of 0.399, which can be said that the gratitude variable has an influence of 39.9% on the work engagement variable.</p> Ahmad Iwan Zunaih Musbikhin Musbikhin Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 5 1 10 16 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.553 Integration of Information Technology in Guidance and Counseling Management in Schools: Challenges and Implementation Strategies <p>The integration of information technology (IT) in school education has a significant impact on teacher professionalism and educational management, including Guidance and Counseling services. This study explores how IT improves guidance and counseling management in schools by improving teacher empowerment, administrative efficiency, and student learning experiences. Through a literature perspective, data from various research sources is analyzed to assess the current state and challenges of using technology in counseling services. Although technology helps in organizing student data, assessment environments, and offering personalized services, challenges such as limited IT knowledge among counselors, lack of resources, and concerns about privacy and consent to change hinder its full implementation. This research emphasizes that effective management of guidance and counseling services, incorporating IT, is critical to meeting students' social, emotional and academic needs. The study concludes that, despite these challenges, strategic use of IT can transform guidance and counseling practices, improving student development and academic success.</p> Ahmad Zaki Ilman Nasution Firman Firman Neviyarni Neviyarni Muhammad Asyraf Bin Che Amat Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-12 2025-01-12 5 1 17 26 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.576 Theory and Application of Narrative Counseling Literature Study <p>This article discusses the theory and application of narrative counseling as an approach in psychotherapy practice. Narrative counseling focuses on how individuals construct and understand their life stories, and their impact on identity and behavior. Through a literature study, this article examines the main concepts in narrative counseling, including narrative structure, the role of the agent in the story, and the techniques used in counseling sessions. Additionally, this article explores the various applications of narrative counseling in clinical, educational, and community contexts, highlighting successes and challenges faced by practitioners. The results of literature studies show that narrative counseling is effective in various contexts, including mental health problems and self-development. However, further research is still needed to explore its long-term impact and application in various cultures. Thus, narrative counseling offers an innovative and flexible approach in helping individuals understand themselves through the stories they create. The application of narrative counseling can be found in various contexts and situations, including individual counseling, family counseling, education, mental health, social intervention and personal development. Findings from this study suggest that narrative counseling can be an effective tool in helping individuals reconstruct experiences and create new meaning in their lives. Finally, this article suggests future research directions to deepen understanding of the long-term impacts of narrative-based interventions.</p> Zumrotul Khasanah Bakhrudin All Habsy Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-12 2025-01-12 5 1 27 34 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.570 Implementation of Spinning Wheel Moped Media to Increase Enthusiasm of Class XII Students at SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna <p>This study aims to understand the implementation of Spinning Wheel Moped media in increasing the enthusiasm of students of class XII TJKT 1 at SMK Bhakti Praja Adiwerna towards Guidance and Counseling services. The research method used is qualitative with a field research approach, where data is collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observation of 33 students involved in the Guidance and Counseling program. The results showed that the use of Spinning Wheel Moped media provided a more interesting and interactive learning experience for students. Students revealed that this media helped them feel more engaged and motivated to attend Guidance and Counseling sessions, as well as increased their understanding of the importance of self-development. Through more active interaction with the media, students were able to explore various themes of self-development in a fun way, so their enthusiasm in attending Guidance and Counseling services increased significantly. This study provides implications for counselors to consider using innovative media in Guidance and Counseling services to create a more creative and engaging learning environment. In addition, the results of this study can serve as a foundation for further research on innovations in education. As suggestions or recommendations from this study, counseling teachers are expected to carry out counseling services in a creative way to avoid boredom and improve communication between clients and counselors.</p> Akhmad Muzakki Muhammad Ishlah Amaladini Umi Hani Roikhatul Jannah Efvelin Barus Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 5 1 35 41 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.610 Behavior Modification in Juvenile Deliquency: A Systematic Literature Review <p>Adolescence is a very important transition period that every individual will go through. Adolescence is also called the process of self-discovery and self-adjustment. It is not uncommon for them to fall into behavior that deviates from the prevailing norms and values or is known as juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency becomes a behavior that harms himself and the people around him. As a guidance and counseling teacher, he has an obligation to direct his students to positive things so that they do not fall further into juvenile delinquent behavior. Preventive and curative efforts must be made by counseling teachers through guidance and counseling services. The research method used is a systematic literature review that aims to produce a synthesis of strong and reliable scientific evidence that can be used to build new knowledge, inform decisions and guide future research. A total of 60 articles were identified and PRISMA analysis was conducted, resulting in 14 articles being selected for further in-depth identification of the entire article. The results of this study indicate that juvenile delinquency can occur situationally due to peers, parenting and the community environment. In the school environment, counseling teachers can provide counseling services to adolescents through the provision of behavior modification techniques.</p> Moch. Syihabudin Nuha M. Khoirudin Jalil Henny Indreswari Khairul Bariyyah Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 5 1 42 50 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.608 Development of E-Handout Based on Audiovisual Fiqih Material for Women as an Effort to Provide Religious Character in Class IV Students of Primary Schools and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah <p>Education is a planned effort so that each individual is able to achieve various life achievements, including spiritual achievements. One of the religious characters is obedience to God Almighty. This character can be achieved if students have a good understanding of obedience material, one of which is women's jurisprudence. Based on observations, 78% of class IV students at SD Bojonegoro do not understand this material well. Apart from that, the content of material about women's jurisprudence in class IV students of primary schools and madrasah ibtidaiyah textbooks is very minimal, so accompanying teaching materials are needed. Then, students' interest in reading using books or worksheets is very low, students prefer to use devices, because there are videos, pictures and animations. Therefore, developing audio-visual based teaching materials via the Google site is considered very necessary. This teaching material is presented in electronic form by displaying videos, images and animations. This research aims to determine the results of the development of an e-handout on women's fiqh material. The research method used is the Borg &amp; Gall model Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. The results of the development of an audio-visual based e-handout on women's jurisprudence material were declared suitable for use. This is proven by the material expert validation results being 80% (feasible), the media expert validation results being 77% (valid category), and the language expert validation being 76% (feasible), then the question expert validation results being 86% (very feasible) and the student response results were 83% (very interesting).</p> Firda Zakiyatur Rofi’ah Khoirotus Silfiyah Putri Isnawati Mia Shovia Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-19 2025-01-19 5 1 51 60 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.617 Effectiveness Group Counseling Using Modelling Techniques to Improve the Self-Confidence of Graphically Improved Children at SMALB Negeri Sumbang Bojonegoro <p>This research aims to determine the effectiveness of group guidance using modeling techniques to increase the self-confidence of mentally retarded children at SMALB Negeri Sumbang Bojonegoro. This research uses quantitative experimental methods with pre-experimental research designs. The population of this research was 28 Sumbang Bojonegoro State High School students. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. Researchers used data collectors in the form of the Guttman scale with 2 alternative answer choices, namely Yes and No. The validity test obtained 24 valid item data and 6 invalid items. Meanwhile, from the reliability test, valid item data was obtained from items whose calculated r was ≥ (0.25). Valid items include items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 with the highest product moment value is item no. 15 with value 0.705 while the lowest value is in item no. 27 with a value of 0.109. Items that were dropped included items 1, 2, 13, 14, 20, and 30 where r calculated ≤ (0.25). Next, a reliability test was carried out using Cronbach's alpha technique with SPSS 22.0 and a reliability value of 0.728 was obtained. Because this data is non-parametric, quantitative analysis without using assumption tests using statistical formulas which in carrying out the analysis use the SPSS 22.0 computer program with the Mann Whitney U Test formula. Apart from that, it is known that the first group's average rank is 3.00, lower than the second rank's average, namely 8.00. This shows that the average pretest score for 5 subjects is lower than the average posttest score. With a U value of 0.000 and a W value of 15,000, if converted to a Z value the value is -2.627. The Sig value is 0.008 &lt; 0.05, which means there is a difference between the two groups, namely the preetest and posttest groups so that Ho is accepted so that there is effectiveness of group guidance to increase the self-confidence of mentally retarded children at SMALB Negeri Sumbang Bojonegoro.</p> Mohamad Abdul Azis Lukman Khoirin Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam 2025-01-19 2025-01-19 5 1 61 66 10.53915/jbki.v5i1.619