Peran Sosial Guru Bahasa Arab Saat Pandemi
(Studi Kasus di Desa Genjor Kecamatan Sugihwaras Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tahun 2020)
Implementation, Media Audio Visual, Listening SkillsAbstract
The social role of teachers is not limited to schools, but teachers also have other roles in society at large. Therefore, in this study will be discussed about the social role of Arabic teachers during a Pandemic. This research is a case study of the social role of Arabic teachers in Genjor Village, Sugihwaras District, Bojonegoro Regency in 2020. This research uses qualitative research methods by making village heads, Arabic teachers and genjor village communities as sources of data acquisition. The results of this study are Arabic teachers in Genjor Village, Sugihwaras District in 2020 carrying out their social roles in the community with various activities. As a participant of Arabic teachers in Genjor village, they actively participate in social activities during teaching students online and offline. As a leader Arabic teacher, he acts as a coordinator of activities in the village to stay under control during a pandemic. As a way opener, the Arabic teacher of Genjor village also provided solutions for communities affected by the pandemic.