Behavior Modification in Juvenile Deliquency: A Systematic Literature Review
Juvenile Delinquency, Counseling Services, Behavior Modification, Adolescent BehaviorAbstract
Adolescence is a very important transition period that every individual will go through. Adolescence is also called the process of self-discovery and self-adjustment. It is not uncommon for them to fall into behavior that deviates from the prevailing norms and values or is known as juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency becomes a behavior that harms himself and the people around him. As a guidance and counseling teacher, he has an obligation to direct his students to positive things so that they do not fall further into juvenile delinquent behavior. Preventive and curative efforts must be made by counseling teachers through guidance and counseling services. The research method used is a systematic literature review that aims to produce a synthesis of strong and reliable scientific evidence that can be used to build new knowledge, inform decisions and guide future research. A total of 60 articles were identified and PRISMA analysis was conducted, resulting in 14 articles being selected for further in-depth identification of the entire article. The results of this study indicate that juvenile delinquency can occur situationally due to peers, parenting and the community environment. In the school environment, counseling teachers can provide counseling services to adolescents through the provision of behavior modification techniques.
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